Enjoy lunch to the sound of songbirds

One of the practices of Kama Yoga is to enjoy your lunch to the sounds of songbirds.

It is not necessary to cage birds to hear them sing - by studying their biology, their ecology and their behavior, you not only understand more about these delightful creatures (and yourself, and the world you share), but can welcome them in such a way that they will reliably sing just outside your kitchen window.

As with all Yoga, it is the process of learning how to achieve the goal (of bird song) while practicing love (by respecting the fundamental importance of freedom to all living beings) which accomplishes the purpose.

If you do not have the time or ability to study these sciences, you can seek Teachers, Instructors and advisors.  Here in Grand Junction, we are fortunate to not only have several universities and colleges with excellent biologists, but also Wild Birds Unlimited (2454 Highway 6&50, Grand Junction), a store which not only teaches how to enjoy songbirds, but can outfit you with all the equipment you will require.  Their experts are happy to simply provide you with what you need, but if asked will take the time to educate you, as well.

Birdsong is good to hear, not just at lunch.  Which is why Wild Birds Unlimited also donates seed and equipment to area nursing homes, and helps the community in other ways.

Feeding the birds may begin by desiring to simply hear them sing.  But soon you can discover the importance of supporting these wild creatures against the destruction of their habitats, and by understanding how they rely on the environment you share, you quickly grasp the wider implications of the way you interface with your own environment.  Even by the choices you make for your own lunch.